
Songwriter & Composers Collaboration Service

Our NEW 2023 collaboration service features Lyricists and Music Composers to connect with each other more accessibly.  As a lyricist,  and/or songwriter you may have to try many songwriting collaboration partners before you decide upon someone with whom you can collaborate and work with comfortably,  but you will soon know when you have found a suita​ble songwriting collaborator partner. Many lyricists and composers have to go through several songwriting collaborators to find one or more suitable songwriting collaboration partners with whom they can eventually produce worthwhile songs.

Every lyricist should try to write a melody, many lyricists may have an idea of a tune in their mind but cannot express it in audible terms or write it onto manuscript. It is, therefore, advisable to try to sing, whistle or hum the basic tune onto a digital recorder like your mobile phone so as not to forget the melody. It does not matter what the song sounds like at this early stage, as the recorder is only a digital notebook for ideas.

Lyricists should also try to expand their song and tune to try and complete a song with lyrics and melody, using either their mobile phone or a digital recorder to listen to their efforts and then improve upon their idea. It is amazing how quickly songwriting ideas will come when using a recording device to help. When the song can be basically demonstrated-by singing, whistling, humming or whatever, then The Guild of International Songwriters & Composers members free Assessment Service can be used to analyse and help with the songwriting progression.

Every composer songwriter should also try and write lyrics. Many composers have an idea of a story or lyrical theme but find it difficult to express it in terms of their melody writing and compositional arrangements. Songwriting collaboration is a good means of expanding your ideas with other songwriters.

If, in the end, you as a songwriter, lyricist or composer decide to collaborate, which may generally be a good idea, then try to find someone in your local area so that you can meet personally. However, there is nothing wrong with having a songwriting collaborator hundreds or even thousands of miles away, as any songwriting partnership can give you that enthusiasm and inspiration that you may require. Technology, intemet download facilities also gives songwriters, composers and performers the ability now to communicate quickly over any distance, so collaboration with songwriters and composers in every territory of the world is no obstacle.

Lyricists should try to connect with songwriter/composer/musicians as many songwriter/composer/musicians lack the ability to write lyrics and here would be the good basis for a songwriting collaboration.

Composers should try to meet songwriter/lyricists as many songwriter/lyricists lack the ability to write melodies and, again, here would be the good basis for a songwriting collaboration.

Writing your own melody to your own lyrics, or your own lyrics to your own melody, or even collaborating to produce complete songs, is an exciting, creative experience.

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